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  • Building ffmpeg with libx265 on CentOS 6

    x265 refers to one of the latest open source video codec used for encoding videos. It is available as free software. The x265 encoder uses the latest x265 codec based on the HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding or H.265 standard. The main objective of H.265/x265 is to improve video quality by doubling the data compression ratio of the previous standard known as H.264/x264 encoding standard. Even if the actual browsers and mobile devices do not really support it yet, it's very interesting for our computers, or even to store videos on our personal clouds/NAS...

    Better quality and conversion ratio than x264 ! Let's compile it with the ultimate Video and Audio manipulation tool !!

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  • Install BetterDiscord on Linux

    BetterDiscordThis article provide simple instructions on how to install, update, and uninstall BetterDiscord on Linux.

    For more thorough documentation, take a look at betterdiscordctl's README.


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  • Install Teamspeak 3 on CentOS with cPanel

    TeamSpeak is proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software that allows computer users to speak on a chat channel with fellow computer users, much like a telephone conference call. The target audience for TeamSpeak is gamers, who can use the software to communicate with other players on the same team of a multiplayer game. Communicating by voice gives a competitive advantage by allowing players to keep their hands on the controls.

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